The mission of the Yale League of Black Scientists is to empower and inspire society at large, the socio-economically disadvantaged, and our members in the pursuit of scientific knowledge and advanced science degrees through realization of previously unforeseen potential. Furthermore, we place a special emphasis on working to increase the participation of traditionally underrepresented groups in STEM.
The Yale League of Black Scientists supports and encourages people of all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds in the pursuit of science and/or advanced science degrees. We provide this support and encouragement through facilitating public awareness of novel, thought-provoking scientific ideas in ways that are as inspirational and intriguing as possible.
Furthermore, the Yale League of Black Scientists supports its members by maintaining a supportive environment for intellectual discourse and learning, providing a source of encouragement to combat the degenerative effects of imposter syndrome and stereotype threat, developing professional skills through technical presentations and teaching, and by working to realize the leadership potential of its members.